News & Blog
All of the latest MotHs news, musings and articles. Stay up to date on what’s happening in the Hills, local events and key information for Hills residents.
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2023 -What a Year
That’s a wrap for 2023, we're immensely proud of the challenges we've conquered. Looking forward, we're excited to steer MotHs towards a sustainable future in 2024. Read the President’s report. Here's to more growth, connection, and success!
Welcome New Businesses!
Check out the new businesses featured in the MotHs Business Directory.
Out & About in October
Check out what’s been happening and who was seen out and about this month.
Voice to Parliament Referendum
MotHs has been raising awareness, connecting mothers, supporting research and promoting local businesses since 2015 and we’ve dedicated ourselves to supporting women through the years of motherhood, connecting mothers to services and promoting local businesses. Reducing misinformation has always been a high priority for MotHs. Here is a list of official and approved links so you are informed come Referendum day on October 14th.
Spring has Sprung
Check out what’s been happening and who was seen out and about this month.
Check Me Out Project
It’s time to get the health of mums back on track. We’re doing what we can thanks to this exciting roadshow.
The Great Childcare Desert
For parents wishing to return to work, finding childcare that suits your needs is incredibly important. Sadly in an area considered a childcare desert this decision is one of the most stressful.
Out & About in July
Check out what’s been happening and who was seen out and about this month.
We’re Open! What’s Next?
The doors to the MotHs’ Hub in Belgrave are official open. Now we need to get on board to keep the lights on.
National Volunteers Week
This week I reflected on why I volunteer and when did I really feel great about it. At the core were several key ingredients to make volunteering a satisfying and memorable experience....
Grant Success is our Community’s Success
Mums of the Hills is excited to announce our grant successes with you.
Business MotHs at their finest
Mums of the Hills members have been showing their strength at recent local events. First the Hills Small Business Expo organised with thanks by the Yarra Ranges Council, then the Eastern Dandenong Ranges Association Business Networking Breakfast.
Making Noise on Womens Health
We need to get women’s health in Australia back on track. In the wake of disruptions from multiple natural disasters and lockdowns, the health service system is overburdened, basic health checks have lapsed, and mothers in particular are struggling to find the time and funds to manage their basic care.
International Women’s Day
On March 8th I was honoured to give the keynote speech at the International Womens Day celebration at Parliament House. I highlighted the extraordinary women in our community and the importance of ‘cracking the code’ by making telecommunications legislated as an essential service. This is why.
MotHs Hub is GO GO GO!
Mums of the Hills is getting its very own permanent hub! Finally after years of hiring spaces, using my kids cubby as the MotHs HQ and storing all the MotHs borrowing gear, MotHs will have busy buzzing new home.