Donate to
Mums of the Hills
Help us support mums and their families to overcome the factors contributing to isolation in our community.
Mums of the Hills began with a goal to overcome the factors contributing to isolation. Since 2015 we’ve done just that and created a blended online and place-based village along the way.
Our Mission
Our mission is to reduce the factors that contribute to isolation by creating a blended online and face-to-face community where mothers connect and thrive.
Since starting in 2015, Mums of the Hills has helped families in the Yarra Ranges and surrounding area to overcome isolation. Factors that cause isolation can include:
parenting young children
financial hardship
mental or physical health challenges
domestic violence
poor telecommunication access
natural disaster events
MotHs goes above and beyond for its community. A donation to Mums of the Hills supports the well-being of mums across the Yarra Ranges and drives our advocacy for mums around Australia.
We advocate on the issues we see, hear about and directly experience within our community. In addition to facilitating connections to provide mother-to-mother emotional and physical assistance, timely information about community events and emergency preparedness, and a welcoming experience to new families to the Hills, your contribution will help MotHs:
advocate for residents on topics including: telecommunication, long day care, family violence and postnatal depression.
create workshops and events tailored to the needs of our community.
create and maintain useful hills-centric resources to support living and parenting in the diverse geography of the Yarra Ranges
connect local families with necessary services.
maintain a place-based space for use by mums across the Yarra Ranges for connection, support, workshops and advice
maintain our online and place-based spaces that nurture safe and supportive cultures benefitting the whole community

“This is in all honesty the most supportive, welcoming and practical online community group I have ever been a part of. Through challenging times of post natal anxiety and depression, the advice, comfort and real world support from the women in this group was a godsend..”
— MotHs member
Make a donation
Your contribution to our incorporated group will make a huge impact in our community through the events, connections and support we provide. Your contribution to our advocacy work will make huge impact on the lives of those far beyond our area.