Natural Disasters: Reminders and Contacts
The rains just doesn’t seem to let up. Now with the winds not wanting to be left out, it’s pretty harsh out there. Please stay safe and informed and call 000 if you are in danger. I have compiled a list here on useful information on:
What to prepare
During and after a storm
Relief and recovery information
A great reminder by the SES of what to do if you are at risk of flooding.
What to Prepare:
Our Storm Pack
The SES has a great booklet on how to plan and stay safe in a storm too. Here is the link.
My family calls our pack the ‘storm be gone’. It is my belief that if we are fully prepared, the storm will either not eventuate or be less intense. As a new hills resident, the sudden loss of power caught us off guard quite a few times and so for new hills locals, here are a few things we have in our ‘storm be gone’ pack.
AM/FM Radio (ABC Melbourne 774 AM) A full list of emergency broadcasters can be downloaded here.
Cash in case the power is out at the bank ATMs and the phone lines are down disabling EFTPOS.
Charged power packs
Torches and solar powered lights
Heat packs
First aid kit
Important documents to prove our identity
Sentimental items
A few items of clothing
In addition we:
Wind events
put items away that could become airborne;
park the cars away from under trees;
ensure we have enough fuel for our generator, and;
fill our water bottles.
let our neighbours know our plans if we decide to leave the mountain before the storm.
Rain Events
clear gutters
do not drive through flood water. A car can float in just 15cm of water.
Heavy Rain Events
The SES has also provided exceptional information including:
Local Flood guides: This page also includes local sandbag collection points.
Again, please do not attempt to drive through flood waters. SES has seen a spike in floodwater rescues.
If we do all this, we hope the storm will play nice and if not, we are prepared. This time, I’ve also prepped some marshmallows and hot chocolate, a good book, wool for crocheting and discussed with the kids which games we’ll play as a family. Power outages are something we regularly contend with but hopefully with these treats and activities the kids will associate fond memories with them.
During and After the Storm
For life-threatening emergencies call Triple Zero (000).
I have created a word document of all the contacts below which you can download and print off here.
** Urgent Relief Needs**
Contact Council on 1300 368 333. A member of the Yarra Ranges Council team can connect you to a wide range of support services.
VICSES is an emergency services agency and may undertake emergency temporary repairs. Call 132 500 from anywhere in Victoria for flood, storm, landslide, tsunami and earthquake emergency.
Fallen Trees
Trees on Local Roads – Contact Council on 1300 368 333 (if you know that a request hasn’t already been made on your road)
Trees on Main Roads – Contact VicRoads on 13 11 70
Trees on Power lines – Contact AusNet Services on 13 17 99
Injured Wildlife
Contact DELWP on 136 186
Livestock issues
Contact Agriculture Vic on (03) 9032 7676
Red Cross Victoria
If you need extra assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to someone, 1800 733 276 or visit Ask Izzy
Salvation Army: 13 72 58
MotHs Resources
Please don’t forget to check out MotHs resources.
Hopefully this storm will weaken by the time it reaches the hills and we can all sleep safe and sound in our beautiful hills surroundings.
Flood Relief and Recovery Assistance
Victorian Emergency Relief Assistance Payment
Victoria Clean-up Program & relief assistance
Phone: 1800 560 760
Victorian Floods, October 2022 - Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment
Victorian Floods, October 2022 - Disaster Recovery Allowance