Val O’Brien

Member Spotlight

When you're not being called 'Mum', what name/nickname do you prefer to be called?


What is the best thing about being a mum?              

Seeing the little humans we created growing into something amazing. Being able to teach them and learn from them about the things that they like. Being able to identify the mini me’s and seeing how similar our kids are to us, and remember the things we used to do as kids and reliving that experience with them because they too want to. So many things!                   

What is the most challenging thing about being a mum?      

Where do I start? Absolutely everything –in a good way of course. Being a mum has taught me so much more about myself than I ever knew, it has shown me the strengths that I didn’t even know that I had! In saying that though, the most challenging thing is holding it together and making it look like I’m not a crazy person!                                      

What are you passionate about?         

A few things. Can I say talking? Cause I talk a lot…I’m a bit of an awkward person so you’ll either get not enough talking or way too much….no in between…and I have no filter. Supporting people. Being there for my friends and families when they are in need, not because I have to be but because I want to. Clothes. I love clothes, pre kids straight out of school I went to uni to study fashion design, textiles and pattern making. That’s also kind of why I started “Dressed in the Hills” because it gives me an excuse to collect clothes, and then seeing people give it life makes me happy!                                   

What is something that you have done that you are proud of?                               

Lately? Last September I started running for my mental health (just jogging slowly) and I wanted to be able to run 5km without stopping before I returned to work…the day before I went back to the office I ran 7. YAY! Proud of all the time –as cheesy as it sounds, the two little human beings that drive me absolutely bonkers. They are a constant reminder that I am doing something right and I could not be more proud of that.                                           

What is your favourite thing to do to unwind?                       

Sewing, I absolutely love to sew and create things. Even though sometimes it’s frustrating because I can’t get it right, it’s a challenge that I find therapeutic.     

Where is your favourite location to go?

I love going on family holidays. My favourite is Thailand (my mum is from there, so that whole side of family is there) but doesn’t look like we’re going to be heading there anytime soon….so I guess anywhere that has delicious food and wine!                             

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