June Wrap Up
June was a bustling month for MotHs. Here's a quick look at all the exciting activities and achievements.
Firstly, the Belgrave Lantern Parade was a huge success. Our moth lantern that represented our 7000 members was a true community effort. A big thanks to all involved in this from our teacher and designer, Nikki Wellington, to our makers, painters and finally the carriers on the night. Families also gathered to create their own lanterns in a fun and creative community workshop. Thanks to Bendigo Bank for making this possible. MotHs was also excited to receive $135 in funds from the Bendigo Bank Tokens of Appreciation to support our ongoing initiatives.
Another year, another 9 June storm anniversary and a reminder that as time rolls on, my residents have yet to return to their homes.
Our certified First Aid course was a huge success with nearly 30 newly certified first aiders in our community. Premmie Mums Groups started at the MotHs Hub: Led by Anna Meijerink from Nurturing Parenthood, these new groups provide support for mothers of premature babies. The Raising Resilient Kids Seminar event, our collaboration with Mountain Men was a tremendous success, with Dr. Billy Garvey offering valuable insights. Our running group, the Runooshakas started training with coach Pete Spink. This group will train towards completing our September event, the Running Up That Hills Run (aka RUTH Run). Finally, we contributed to the Children and Disasters advisory group facilitated by the University of Melbourne and the new Eastern Communities Climate Resilience Advisory Group facilitated by ECLC.
Thank you to everyone who participated and supported our activities this month!
News Around the Hills - How to Get Involved
The hills are always buzzing with news and events but these are the ones that have captured our attention. Click on the images below for further information.
1. State member for Monbulk, Daniela De Martino has called upon private telecommunications companies to invest in stronger resilience measures in their mobile telephone infrastructure. Her campaign to power the towers is growing. Contribute here.
2. Federal Member for Casey, Aaron Violi MP is asking local year 10 to 12 students to step into the role of a newly elected Member of the House of Representatives by crafting a 90-second speech about an issue you are passionate about. Record your speech and enter at https://www.aph.gov.au/myfirstspeech/enter.
3. Born on the day of the storyteller, Lucinda Light invites you to share her journey of wild-hearted adventures developing her own EQ, infusing the path with humour, free-spirited expression and personal reflections on her practice of kindness, conscious communication, inclusivity, empathy and forgiveness. This event is really close to my heart with all proceeds going to local mum (and MotH member) Kate Lee Joystar who is at the beginning of her journey with cancer. To find out more, follow the link here.
Upcoming Events
We have so many events coming up in July and August. Come to some or come to all. There are plenty of opportunities to meet others, find out information or learn new skills. Visit our Events Page for details.
MotHs Inc. goes above and beyond for its community. In addition to running and maintaining our place-based MotHs Hub, we advocate on the issues we see, hear about and directly experience within our community. We facilitate connections to provide mother-to-mother emotional and physical assistance, provide timely information about community events and emergency preparedness and promote local businesses. This can’t be achieved without the support of subscribers. We appreciate each and every subscriber for keeping this community running.