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Mummas Group: postnatal sessions with a difference

Are you a new mum looking for support and care beyond the usual mums group?

  • Location: Kawarra Australian Gardens and Nursery

  • Date: 6 weeks starting Thursday February 27th

  • Time: 10:00am - 11:00am

Price for 6 weeks: $25

Presented by: Yarra Ranges Osteopathy

Provided by: Mums of the Hills

Congratulations on becoming a mum! I bet there were a few things people didn’t mention. In this day and age when discussions seem so open, postnatal experiences are still a bit secretive. That’s why we’ve created this mummas group. It’s a group created by mums for mums. We road tested the idea with several mums and this was the consistent feedback:

‘I wish this group was around when I had my baby’

This Mummas group is different because it is run by Osteopath Rebecca Lovett, a local mum passionate about women’s health and wellbeing. First and second time mums, babies and toddlers welcome.

This 6 week group will help you discover:

  • how your body changes after having a baby;

  • how to connect back with your body and protect it while we recover;

  • easy ways to self care

  • how to ‘read’ your babies cries

  • to be body positive though exercise that makes us feel good. Spoiler alert, bouncing back it’s not a thing, Rebecca will teach you stretching and strengthening exercise to help with post birth rehabilitation

This group is all about keeping it real, judgement free and ensuring you feel supported. Thanks to feedback from previous groups we’ve blended the group’s desire to connect with fellow mums as well as the important facilitated support from Rebecca Lovett Osteopathy and The Mental Health and Wellbeing Local.

Week 1: Mental health and wellbeing - facilitated by The Mental Health and Wellbeing Local.

Week 2: Physical health and wellbeing - part 1: Facilitated by Rebecca Lovett

Week 3: A chance to socialise and connect

Week 4: Physical health and wellbeing - part 2: Facilitated by Rebecca Lovett

Week 5: A chance to socialise and connect

Week 6: Physical health and wellbeing - part 3: Facilitated by Rebecca Lovett

Spaces are limited.

24 February

Free Clinic Event for Mums - Mindfulness and Self Care

28 February

MotHs Craft Night - February