Learn the important skills of baby and child first aid education for Parents, Grandparents and Carers of young children
Location: Olinda Community House, 79-81 Olinda-Monbulk Rd
Date: Sunday 22nd May 2022
Time: 10:30am - 12:30 noon
Thanks to the Yarra Ranges Council Community Grant, Mums of the Hills is able to provide this important first aid coursse. Parentmedic Victoria is a local run business providing Baby and Child first aid education for Parents, Grandparents and Carers of young children. Our Parentmedic Programs are designed to enable you to identify when your child is unwell and empower you with the skills and knowledge to know when and where to seek help, as well as provide a first aid response in an emergency situation.
In your 2-hour Baby + Child First Aid session you will learn about
- Choking
- Fever management + febrile convulsions
- Rashes
- Allergies and anaphylaxis
- Poisons
- Burns
- Head injuries
- Basic home safety
- The medical red flags of when a child is unwell and where and when to seek help.
All Parentmedic Educators are good people checked and adhere to Covid safe practices.
*** Please note, due to requirements set out by the venue, all registered participants over the age of 16 must be double Vaccinated***